Sunday, December 10, 2006

MLM .. Bolehkah kita ?

"Can you make thousands monthly with MLM?

Yes. Is it hard to do?

Many people choose to make it hard. Careful planning is absolutely essential before you start any MLM business.

Using the right MLM business plan can determine your success or failure."

MLM, saya tidak menafikan bidang MLM ( Multi Level Marketing) mampu memberikan pulangan yang lumayan sekiranya kita buat dengan betul dan sabar. Itulah petuanya.

Sebenarnya saya telahpun menjadi ahli kepada sebuah syarikat MLM terulung di negara kita. Jika tengok pada pelan perniagaannya, amat bagus sekali. Malangnya saya tidak mempunyai sifat kesabaran yang tinggi. Mudah putus asa telah menjadi tembok penghalang saya untuk berjaya menjadi seorang ahli MLM terunggul.

Sebenarnya telah ramai jutawan MLM lahir di negara kita. MEngapa mereka boleh melakukannya? ini kerana mereka komited terhadap apa yang mereka lakukan dan sabar di dalam menjalankan perniagaan mereka.

Jika anda sedang melakukan perniagaan ini, tahniah! Anda menginginkan perubahan kepada diri dan keluarga anda. Kini anda boleh menjalankan perniagaan anda secara online juga. Teruskan usaha anda dan berikut sedikit tip dari saya untuk anda yang gigih melakukan pernigaan MLM ini.

Five Ways To Be A Great Leader In MLM

by: Kelvin B. Edmund

Leadership is all about helping your people to achieve. Would you like to become a better leader?

Here are five steps to make this happen.
1. Inspiration
2. Focus
3. Passion
4. Planning
5. Drive

Inspiration…Is created by a dream, but we must have a dream that we are willing to do anything within reason in order to achieve it. As people we all dream to live our lives in the way we want to. However as Network Marketers we must be INSPIRED to achieve our dreams. People only achieve in accordance with their level of inspiration. If we are greatly inspired then we will achieve GREAT things, and be able to make our dreams a reality.

Focus…We get what we focus on in life, whether we want it or not. Our minds are constructed in such a way that they have to focus on something. If we take away our focus we will end up with something we DO NOT want. You must always focus on what you want or else your focus will move on to something less important.

Passion…Is another source of Inspiration. The more passionate you feel about something (in this case your team and business), the more you will put towards the growth and development of it.
Planning…Many people give little attention to Planning. In our line of business failure to plan is to plan for failure. You have to know exactly what you want to achieve and by when you would like to achieve it. Once you know this all you have to do is to create daily, weekly, monthly and yearly targets and work towards hitting them.

Drive…is what you need to succeed in life and in your business. Without drive you are not going to accomplish anything. Therefore you need to focus on all your targets with a sense of urgency and determination and MAKE SURE that you do not become sidetracked with less important things.

As you can see, there are different things you can do to, increase your Leadership ability. However I feel that if you follow these five simple steps you will see how quickly your business will grow.

This article was created by Mr. Kelvin B. Edmund. if you would wish to find out more about me or my articles vist the following websites.

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